
Gingham & Grosgrain Launch a success!

Just over a month ago I launched G & G with my original abstract paintings. It has been such a rewarding experience and I'm learning so much and meeting so many new people! I'm definitely painting a lot more too!

Painting often since the launch has been so helpful, because it has had such a calming and positive impact on me. As someone who has battled serious anxiety, I never would have expected painting and the launch of a business to help me manage my stress. Sending my art into the world has been a true gift of confidence. It has been a long time since I have felt so empowered and happy. I no longer wake up with a long list of fears facing me, but a long list of happy things I can't wait to tackle!  

If you are fearful and waiting for the perfect time to go after your dreams I say, go for it now! You might be amazed at how much the simple act of facing your fears may take you soaring into your dreams. There is such power in facing those nagging thoughts and fears that run through our heads. I know it will take me awhile to grow my creative business, but I've already been unbelievably rewarded with a positive outlook on life. 

I'll be releasing new artwork on my site later this summer and you can catch a sneak peek on instagram at ginghamandgrosgrain and on my Facebook page at Gingham and Grosgrain Fine Art Studio.  I'm also having a summer sizzling sale on my website at, 25% off your purchase with the code sizzle until June 30!

Thank you for all your support, advice, and inspiration! And if you need advice or a cheerleader to start taking steps toward your dreams contact me! The creative community has been so welcoming and helpful - I would love to pay it forward. Launching G & G has been such a blessing!